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Books2Go cards provide special lending privileges for any youth 17 and younger to borrow print materials from Madison Public Library collection only.

These privileges are designed to encourage youth, particularly Madison Middle and High School students, to utilize library materials for school assignments.

The youth applying for the card must be able to write his or her first and last name, know his or her birth date and a contact address and phone number. This card does not require a parent/guardian parent signature. However, cardholders may only check out two (2) print items from Madison Public Library. Cardholders are blocked from borrowing AV materials or items from other libraries within Clevnet. This card allows for access to all Clevnet databases and MPL e-services.

Cardholders do not accrue overdue fees. If materials charged out on a Books2Go card become more than three weeks overdue, the items will be assumed lost and replacement costs will be placed on the Books2Go card. All cards with $10 or more in charges against them are blocked for further activity. The cardholder will not be turned over to a collection agency for lost materials. When cardholder is 18, if there are lost materials charges, the card and the charges are purged from the system.

If at any time the parent/guardian of the cardholder wants to allow the cardholder the privileges associated with either of the two available juvenile cards (regular and no AV), the adult must come into the library to sign the appropriate library card application form.

At the library’s sole discretion, the library may revoke Book2Go loan privileges in any case where these privileges are being abused.


  • MPL Card
  • 1 card per person
  • Used only at MPL
  • 17 and younger, writing their name on “the line”
  • Youth provides name, birth date, address, telephone number, & parent/guardian name
  • No parent signature needed
  • Take 2 books at a time
  • No AV materials
  • No holds or requests
  • Books from MPL collection only
  • Card blocked at $10 in lost or damaged charges
  • Replacement card fee $1
  • Upgrade privileges at any time with parent signature
  • Access to all CLEVNET databases and MPL e-services from home

For further information about Books2Go contact the library at 440-428-2189 or email

CLEVNET Upgrades!

On 2/10/25, starting at 9pm EST, you might experience intermittent interruptions with the catalog as CLEVNET conducts system upgrades. CLEVNET expects the upgrades to be completed overnight.

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We apologize for any inconvenience.

The Library will be closed today

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